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Motivating you

Nuclear_dancerThe choice to dance is a very conscious one: as a hobby or as a profession, dance requires huge personal effort. Usually this effort is one we don't even acknowledge as our passion for dance makes the effort so natural, however sometimes that effort required can be too much. Whether for personal, physical or economical reasons, sometimes dance can fall to the bottom of the priority list. Dance itself can even be exhausting, both mentally and physically, and often it can be difficult to muster the strength to continue. Dancers are renowned for their enthusiasm and determination to try new classes and work continuously on their craft, but sometimes it is too much to rehearse again and again, take the same class or take part in the same supplementing practice to better your body and technique. Motivation can be a challenge for every performer, no matter how passionate they are. But competition in the dance world is far too intense to slump. If you feel yourself sliding, it is important to get back to the place where you give everything your all. Acknowledge that you are in control of your effort and aim to not take the simpler path, unless it would be detrimental to your health and body. With that awareness you’re more inclined to make the right decisions, as to reach your full potential as a dancer, you have to be willing to choose the more difficult path most of the time. To maintain motivation, sometimes it is important to cut yourself some slack in order to channel your energy to where it’s most useful to avoid burning out. Don't forget your ultimate goal of being the best dancer you can and try to keep inspiring yourself. Try new things in class to tweak your habits; even standing at a different place at the barre can refresh your outlook. Many dancers find taking a class in a different genre, or trying a new cross-training method helps them refresh, or even just going outside for a walk to clear your head.