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Should I continue with dance classes online?

Should I continue with dance classes online?

With the UK in the middle of its third lockdown, many people are growing weary of seemingly endless online meetings, home schooling, classes and activities. But while dancing at home is undeniably different to dancing in a studio, there are still many benefits to continuing with dance classes online.

1. Keeping a sense of normality

Keeping up with regular dance classes can help to maintain a sense of normality and structure to your child’s week. Continuing with online classes means that students still get to see their dance teacher and dance friends regularly. This social contact with people outside of their family bubble can contribute to a healthy mind.

If possible, your child should continue to wear their dance uniform while dancing at home. This helps to further promote their routine and structure as well as a sense of belonging to their dance school. It also allows dance teachers to spot corrections more easily. We stock a full range of dance leotards and shoes on our website.

2. Continuity in training

Continuing with dance classes helps to maintain a dancer’s physical fitness and their knowledge of the work. We all know how quickly our bodies decondition after a break from exercise, so keeping up with dance classes online will help your child to transition back to in-person classes more easily.

Dancers work hard to achieve their goals throughout the year (for example, working towards an exam) and they owe it to themselves to continue to strive for these goals.

3. Dance helps with mental health

Dancing releases endorphins and dopamine, which contribute to the positive feeling that comes after a dance class. Just a 30-minute dance class can give 30 minutes of relief from stress and anxiety, which is perhaps more important now than ever. Dance classes are all-consuming: following the dance teacher; thinking of co-ordination, posture, lines, musicality and artistry; and remembering the dance sequence itself. There is little time in a dance class to think of anything else!

Plus, online dance classes give mum and dad the opportunity to have a quiet sit down with a cup of tea and a break from having to occupy their child after a busy day of home schooling!

We have another blog focussing more specifially on the health benefits of dance here.

4. The show must go on

Continuing dance classes online teaches students to be resilient and to have a can-do attitude. It helps students to learn that when obstacles arise in life, such as changes to plans, it doesn’t have to mean giving up – they learn that they are able to meet challenges head-on.

5. Online classes can help a student to focus on technique

You don’t need a custom-built dance studio at home to enjoy online dance classes. Even dancing in a small corner of the kitchen can have its benefits. Having a restricted space to dance in can help a student to hone their technique, rather than being distracted by the exciting leaps and tricks usually performed in the larger space of their dance studio.

Dancing on their own also means that students can’t copy anyone else in the class. This can help them to become more secure in their knowledge of the work, which increases their confidence in class.

6. Support your dance school

Sadly, many dance studios have succumbed to the pandemic and have permanently closed their doors as a result of it. It is important to continue to support your dance school and its teachers to secure the future of your child’s dance training and the community of the school. A dance school simply cannot be a dance school without students.