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Setbacks faced by dancer

Many dancers strive to make their love for dance a profession, but becoming a successful dancer requires dedication, self-belief and confidence. It’s one of the most competitive professions in the world with thousands of hopefuls. There are many setbacks and challenges that are inevitable along the way, but overcoming these is the key to success.

Negativity, such as being told you’ll never make it, leads to personal issues and it is difficult to dismiss them as insignificant. It is important to not let other people’s limitations or opinions affect your progress or self-belief. It is important you remain in control of how you think and view things. It is also important to avoid negativity in terms of constantly comparing yourself to others and their abilities, and it is hard to remember that everyone has anxieties and the person you think is better than you is also struggling with their own insecurities. Whilst comparison can be a valuable source of motivation and growth, it can also drive us into a state of self-doubt, but aim to focus your energy on being the very best version of yourself.

Often dancers find themselves defending their work and proving that dance is a ‘real’ profession to those who doubt the industry. This can be disheartening and initiates subconscious questioning of the legitimacy of being a dancer. However, being a dancer is of course a real job, and is also a way of life. Don't allow yourself to be put into a box or fit a desired look, make sure you are independent and true to yourself. The industry and others around you trick you into a sense of feeling inadequate because of what is projected as acceptable in terms of how you should look and behave. Of course being an aesthetic industry there are popular looks and styles, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing for you: don't waste time and energy trying to fit in and aim to belong. Equally being put in a box can reduce versatility which is the key to the industry, so continue to challenge yourself and experience new things.