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The Royal Ballet's Frederick Ashton Mixed Programme

Dance fans from all over the UK will have the chance to view even more great ballet works soon at their local cinemas, with the cinema screenings of The Royal Ballet's Frederick Ashton Mixed Programme being recently confirmed. Audiences of dancers and non-dancers alike will even have the fantastic opportunity to relive Tamara Rojo's final performance at the Royal Opera House which took place earlier this year, pointe shoes and all, before she committed fully to English National Ballet as Artistic Director. The cinema screening programme is named The Royal Ballet Dances Frederick Ashton, and will be a mixed programme of five ballets by the renowned choreographer. The ballets will be screened in selected UK cinemas on 15 July, but it has yet to be confirmed whether the programme will be shown around the world. The mixed programme contains an array of fantastic works which are not often seen in current repertoire, featuring those such as La Valse, Méditation from Thaïs, Voices of Spring, Monotones I and II and Marguerite and Armand. Marguerite and Armand will feature the final Royal Ballet performance of Rojo, partnered by the former-Royal and extremely notorious ballet star Sergei Polunin who has recently been subject to much speculation regarding his professional and private behaviour. Méditation from Thaïs will feature Royal Ballet Principal dancer Leanne Benjamin who recently announced her retirement from the company after 21 years of service, a huge milestone and an immensely impressive achievement. Venue details will be available from the Royal Opera House cinema website nearer to the time of the event.