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Re-inspiring dance

6734715901_473bda38ea_oThe new year is a great opportunity to re-inspire your love of dance and set yourself some goals for the year ahead, to ensure you don't burn out from the wrong attitude, ideas or ratio of practice to rest. Gaining new inspirations for your dancing opens your eyes to new dance experiences and heightens your knowledge, even pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. You may wish to travel to new places to dance, adding culture and new insights to your training and dance network. Taking a new class with a new teacher is an ideal way to try something different and expose yourself to new steps or techniques. Breaking the routine of classes with your normal dance teachers can mean they spot different aspects of your technique to improve or explain how do dance a new step in a different way. Adding variety to your dancing does not reduce the impact of your own dance teacher on your training but simply adds something new. Aside from anything else a new class or dance style is fun! Attending a performance is perhaps the best way to inspire yourself after the festive break; seeing your favourite company or dancer perform means you will fall in love with dance all over again. If dancers spend a long time in the studio practising in front of the mirror, the magic of performance will realign priorities and goals to become the best dancer you can be. Equally, goals are an excellent way to reinvigorate your dance training by ensuring you have a specific focus in your daily classes and rehearsals. Finally, don't forget to appreciate how much you have improved as a dancer and a performer. Reflecting on your dance journey will emphasise your new emerging talents, and it will give you courage for continuing to push yourself and improve.