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Liam Scarlett to create for The Royal Ballet School

World-renowned choreographer Liam Scarlett is set to create new work for The Royal Ballet School’s summer performances at the Royal Opera House. This year the programme will include the exclusive new piece created especially for the School by alumnus and Royal Ballet Artist-in-Residence Scarlett. This will be in addition to Nureyev’s staging of Raymonda Act III, rehearsed by Christopher Carr, Guest Principal Ballet Master with The Royal Ballet, choreography by former student David Dawson, and a special collaborative new work between three alumni: Martin Joyce, Kristen McNally and Alexander Whitley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZx7YEzBkX8 Scarlett's piece will be set to Profokiev’s Classical Symphony, created as a tribute to former Director of The Royal Ballet School, Gailene Stock CBE AM, who taught Scarlett during his time at the School. The programme, which will take place at the Linbury at the Opera House in July, will demonstrate the talent of both the current students and the School's alumni. Dawson, will present two of the students in his evocative pas de deux, A Sweet Spell of Oblivion; Joyce, McNally and Whitley have collaborated to incorporate all three years of the Upper School; and Nureyev’s spirited staging of Raymonda will be followed by the famous annual Grand Défilé. The Royal Ballet School is seen as one of the world’s greatest centres of classical ballet training which for generations has produced dancers and choreographers of international renown – from Margot Fonteyn, Kenneth MacMillan, Antoinette Sibley, Anthony Dowell, Anya Linden and Darcey Bussell, to a new generation currently making its mark on the world stage – Lauren Cuthbertson, Steven McRae, Edward Watson and Christopher Wheeldon, to name but a few. The School aims to train and educate outstanding classical ballet dancers for The Royal Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet and other top international dance companies, and in doing so to set the standards in dance training, nationally and internationally.