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How to do a Standard Flap and a Flap to the Toe in Tap Dance

Johanna Hadley |

There are two types of flap in tap dance and qualified tap teacher, Johanna Hadley, takes us through both today.

In this video, you'll learn how to do a standard flap first and then a flap to the toe.

How to do a Standard Flap and a Flap to the Toe in Tap Dance

In Tap there are two main standard types of flaps. The first is what we call a Standard flap and the second is called a Flap to the toe.

A Standard flap has 2 sounds and the counts are a1. Be aware that it is not ‘And 1’ as you would normally expect to come across because it’s a very fast action. Start with your knees nice and relaxed and then begin with a forwards tap. Then a heavy downwards beat onto the whole of the foot with a transfer of weight onto that leg. It happens very quickly, it’s a relaxed action so it is more like a flick. Remember that the counts are a1.

A Flap to the toe is slightly different to a Standard flap. It can feel quite different. Whereas a Standard flap has a very heavy weighted feel to it, a Flap to the toe has more of a lifted quality and the action is slightly different. But the count is still the same with the a1. A Flap to the toe is taken in the open alignment and we begin on a bend. Whereas before we were going into a deeper bend, we’re going to stretch up this time. As you extend your leg to the side, we’re lifting up and both legs are stretching. Now what you want is a little flicking action just like before. Instead of finishing on the flat of your foot, you are going to finish on the ball of your foot.