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Dancing out of the nest!

Dancewear Central would like to congratulate all you ballerinas, street dancers and other twinkle toes who received your A Level results today. We have our fingers crossed for everyone who will be collecting their GCSEs next week too. This is an exciting and scary time for all students, but for many young girls and boys in dance studios throughout Britain, come September they will be literally putting their best foot forward. Whether you have decided to go to university or college moving away from home is a daunting prospect especially for dancers as there is no longer anyone to make sure you eat healthily, practice your routines and get to classes on time. Over the next few years, however, you will have the opportunity to really evolve as a dancer, explore new ideas and styles and be taught by the best. If that isn’t enough to persuade you to take the plunge there is the added perk of a brand new university wardrobe- it would be scandalous to turn up without a new pair of dance shoes and a few great leotard!

For those still worried about embarking on such an adventure though, we came up three top tips:
  1. Staying Healthy- For dancers more than most it is important to stay health and reduce the risk of injury. Eating well is incredibly easy and good for your wallet as fresh home-made food tends to be a lot cheaper than pre-packaged ready meals or takeaways. Cooking can be a great way to socialise as well. Most universities and colleges have excellent sports facilities and if you haven’t had enough pliés there are always dance societies to try out. Most importantly, the majority of courses have health programmes in place to support students through injuries and try to prevent them- it is essential that you find out what is available and utilise it.
  2. Controlling your money- This is a problem for everyone but as a dancer you are at a great advantage. The majority of dance course concentrate not only on helping students improve their own skills but showing them how to teach as well. Why not use these skills to help you find a job? Look to see if there are any dance schools or kids clubs that need extra helpers.
  3. Having Fun- The best advice anyone can give you is to just enjoy yourself. No matter where you end up there will be plenty to see and do. Most programmes put on a fantastic range of shows throughout the year so get involved.
Until September though, enjoy celebrating your fantastic results.